Murphy in the City

By Provensen, Alice

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Simon (Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing)


Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on November 1, 2015

The small, busy, curious, noisy farm terrier from A Day in the Life of Murphy (rev. 7/03) is on his way to the big city with his family for a day of adventures (visits to a dog park and a doggie boutique) and misadventures (wandering off and a resultant brief stay at the animal shelter). Murphy's unbounded energy is reflected in bustling city scenes that often include multiple images of Murphy; one particularly effective double-page spread contains...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Guide

Reviewed on January 1, 2015  |  Preschool

The farm terrier from <i>A Day in the Life of Murphy</i> has a series of adventures in the bustling city. A sense of motion and...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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