Financial Literacy

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School Library Journal

Reviewed on January 1, 2013  |  Digital Resources

Grade Level 7 UpCost Tiered pricing begins at $595 for an annual subscription for schools and public libraries, and is based on student enrollment or cardholder numbers.Overview Don't let the simple homepage layout fool you—there is a ton of information in this database. Rosen has revised and updated material from more than 500 new and backlist titles, readying it for online use—and that effort shows.Topics are timely, relevant, and made accessible to the intended audience. The homepage displays a list of seven broad financial topics that users can select; these range from "Entrepreneurship and Career Skills" to "Role of Government" to "The Market Economy." The homepage also offers two featured articles: "Making Sense of It" discusses a current event, while "Take a Closer Look" typically contains a story with video; the one displayed at the time of the review, for example, stars teenage girls discussing how to start and market a small business. Users can also try one of six different financial calculators or get involved by answering the daily quiz or poll. Resources for teachers and librarians include Common Core and state-specific standards correlations, promotional materials, and Web buttons.Content and Usability To get an idea of the content available here, users will want to browse by simply drilling down into a topic of interest. For example, clicking on the homepage topic "Personal Finance" brings up a list of related issues, which include "Credit and Debt," "The...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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