The Escape Artists

How Obama's Team Fumbled the Recovery

By Scheiber, Noam

Publishers Summary:
A star White House journalist provides a gripping look inside the meeting rooms, the in-boxes, and the super-sharp minds of the pedigreed propeller heads who attempted to guide President Obama out of a global economic crisis.

 5 / Rated by 1 person.

Tantor Audio


Library Journal

Starred Review on July 1, 2012  |  Audio

New Republic senior editor Scheiber presents a detailed account of the people and the debate that shaped the Obama administration's economy policy. Many advisors worked together during the Clinton years, and while sharing a common vision for the country, selecting the right path to reach those goals proved contentious. The economic crash of 2008 also forced a change of priorities. Saving financial institutions and the automobile industry dominated the ea...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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