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978-0-06-208956-4 978-0-06-208958-8
HarperCollins Harper


School Library Journal

Reviewed on August 1, 2012  |  Grades 5-up

Gr 4–8—Harrison has spent his youth passed from one foster home to another. When he is rescued from an abusive couple and placed with the Kellys, things seem almost too good. Mr. Kelly is the JV football coach at Harrison's new secondary school, and Mrs. Kelly is a lawyer. They have always wanted a child of their own, and soon Harrison is calling her "Mom" and playing on Coach's team. In spite of his lack of football experience, he proves unstoppable on the field when he gets the ball in his hands. Not all of his teammates...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Guide

Reviewed on January 1, 2012

Harrison's mother died an addict and his foster father is abusive. Then he's rescued by a caseworker and placed in a new ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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