Family Balancing

How to Choose the Gender of Your Next Child

By Potter, Daniel A. & Thompson, Jennifer Trainer

Publishers Summary:
Advances in reproductive medicine have led to more options for couples today than have ever existed before even a few years ago. Perhaps the most extraordinary recent development is new technology that allows parents to choose the gender of their next child. In this comprehensive guidebook, Dr. Daniel A. Potter and Jennifer Merrill Thompson introduce the topic of high-tech gender selection, telling readers everything they need to know about conceiving a baby of a certain sex and taking them personally through the unique journey with a detailed roadmap.Dr. Potter is an expert in the MicroSort® technology that is used for gender selection at the Huntington Reproductive Center (Laguna Hills, CA). Jennifer Merrill Thompson conceived her daughter by means of this bold new technology and has been advising couples interested in gender selection for almost five years. Based on their firsthand experience, the authors are able to answer the questions most often raised about family balancing:·What is involved in gender selection and can I do it?·What is it like to go through this procedure?·What are the chances of success?·Can it harm my future baby?·How does one get started and in what countries is it allowed?·What are the laws and ethics involved with gender selection?The book also shares Jennifer Merrill Thompson's story of undergoing preconception gender selection for her third child, as well as the experiences of dozens of couples who have tried some form of gender selection.Highly informative and easy to follow, Family Balancing walks the reader through every step in this fascinating new area of reproductive medicine.

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Prometheus Books


Library Journal

Reviewed on September 15, 2008

For millennia, humans have tried various tricks to get the desired baby boy or girl, but today, in a world where families are smaller and technology is greater, science might alter the odds. Potter (What To Do When You Can't Get Pregnant) is a reproductive endocrinologist at one of the two MicroSort� Centers in the United States. Currently under FDA trial, MicroSort� claims to increase t...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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