Superhero Joe and the Creature Next Door

By WEITZMAN, Jacqueline Preiss

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S & S Paula Wiseman Bks.


School Library Journal

Reviewed on January 1, 2014  |  Graphic Novels

K-Gr 2—When Joe's neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Goode, move away, the imaginative boy spies on the new resident, an oddly dressed being in a heavy sweater and face-concealing hat. Joe wonders what sort of evil plans the Creature may have. From his bedroom window, he watches it repeatedly climb the ladder to the tree house Mr. Goode built, undoubtedly "transforming the tree house into his lair." Finally, Joe decides it's time to confront his foe. He dons his super gravity-defying boots, his cape of confidence,...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Guide

Reviewed on January 1, 2013

Joe imagines that his new neighbor up in a treehouse is an evil creature. He transforms into Superhero Joe to face the creature...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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