ProQuest Research Companion

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School Library Journal

Reviewed on January 1, 2014  |  Digital Resources

Grade level Gr 9 Up.Cost Pricing, available for individual schools and for district purchases or statewide adoptions, is based on a number of factors, notably FTE and the number of schools included. An annual subscription for an 800 FTE high school is less than $1,500.Overview This information literacy tool's homepage is intuitively designed with conveniently laid out, self-guided learning modules under the headings "Find," "Evaluate," and "Use." Each module includes a handful of questions that serve as gateways to the larger issues of conducting research. Under the heading "Find," users encounter the questions "Where do I start?" "How do I choose a topic?" and "Where do I find information?" Clicking on "Where do I start?" brings up subheadings entitled "Feeling overwhelmed," "Pep talk," "Vocabulary lesson," and "The basics."Each module is prefaced by comprehensive, easily obtainable learning objectives and the writing, while basic, presents the information in manageable, lucid chunks. In the "Where do I find information?" module, the topics of personal electronic devices, the library, subscription databases, remote access, and "everything else" are introduced, giving the student a good overview of related vocabulary and primary targets for intelligence gathering.Content Tools in the "Find" module include a topic aid that allows users to enter one or more terms to get topic suggestions and links to overviews and assistance with formulating alternate search terms. A sample search for Wernher von Braun in the topic aid tool resulted in a rather random, loosely connected assortment of terms including International Space Station, Io, and SpaceX. Clicking on an individual resul...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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