Rocks Fall Everyone Dies

By RIBAR, Lindsay

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Listening Library


School Library Journal

Reviewed on September 1, 2016  |  Multimedia Review

Gr 9 Up—Aspen Quick comes from a family with unique abilities and a heavy responsibility: keeping a large cliff from falling onto the town below. Each time the cliff threatens to fracture, they must complete a magical ritual to keep it intact. The Quicks have the ability to reach inside of people and steal things, such as fear, memories, sobriety, physical health and strength, and even love. The things they take are used to feed the cliff, but the Quicks ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Aspen Quick has a secret magic that comes with a secret responsibility. It is his family that keeps the town of Three Peaks from being destroyed by a giant sentient cliff. For Aspen, touching a person or an object allows him to take something from its owner, whe...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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