Uncracked Codes and Ciphers

By BYERS, Ann & FREEDMAN, Jeri & HARMON, Daniel & LA BELLA, Laura & MEYER, Susan & NAGELHOUT, Ryan & PORTERFIELD, Jason

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9781508173106 9781508173120 9781508173168 9781508173069 9781508173045 9781508173083 9781508173144
Rosen YA


School Library Journal

Reviewed on April 1, 2017  |  Social Science

Gr 9 Up—In today's predominantly digital environment, using encryption and decryption to ensure security is imperative, making cryptography a vital industry. The art and science behind code breaking are examined, from ancient history to the present day. The authors introduce types of codes, ciphers, and algorithms, citing famous cases such as the Zodiac killer and the Navaj...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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