Albert's Quiet Quest

By ARSENAULT, Isabelle

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School Library Journal

Reviewed on June 1, 2019  |  Picture Books

PreS-Gr 2—The Mile End Kids are back in this follow-up to Colette's Lost Pet. Albert's row house yard opens onto an alley, where he goes seeking some peace and quiet in order to read. Noticing a painted beach scene someone has dropped there, blond, fair-skinned Albert sets up a chair and imagines himself sunning by the shore. As a series of other children with various skin tones interrupt his ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on June 1, 2019

In Arsenault's Colette's Lost Pet, we met the gang of primary school-aged kids who hang around in (Montreal's) Clark Alley. Albert had a walk-on role in that story, and here he gets his own. All he wants is a little peace and quiet, to read and woolgather. His house is too noisy, so he moves out into the alley with his book, a kitchen chair, and an imagination in fine working order. His seaside daydream (inspire...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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