The Call of the Tribe

By Vargas Llosa, Mario & Vargas Llosa, Mario & Rubén Gallo

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9780374118051 9780374129019
Farrar Farrar


Library Journal

Starred Review on October 1, 2022  |  Mario Vargas Llosa

Two books from Nobel laureate Vargas Llosa is cause for celebration. Call attempts to do for liberal thought what Edmund Wilson did for socialism in 1940's To the Finland Station; in separate essays, he traces the evolution of liberal doctrine from 18th-century Adam Smith through six 20th-century writers—Ortega y Gasset, Hayek, Popper, Aron, Berlin, and Revel. They're not the only thinkers he could have chosen to examine, but they're the ones who most directly influenced him. When Vargas Llosa was 12, Peru's president, a relative of his family, was overthrown, and Peru slid from democracy into dictatorship. The author emerged convinced that the root enemy of free society was suppression of speech. He started college a Sart...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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