Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon

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Nintendo Switch


School Library Journal

Reviewed on August 1, 2023  |  Gaming

Bayonetta Origins is an unusual spin-off, being the opposite of its main series in almost every possible way. Bayonetta, here called Cereza, is 15 years old in this prequel. No longer presented in an overtly sexual way, she now resembles Marcie from Peanuts going through a Goth phase. Where the adult Bayonetta struts around and crushes her foes, Cereza cuddles a stuffed cat and is unsure of her own abilities. Lightning-fast action combat is replaced with more deliberate, puzzle-heavy gameplay. Even the combat feels like a puzzle to unlock. The main series graphics lean toward the realistic side of the spectrum, but the spin-off's visuals look like they are dipped in watercolor with art direction inspired by Coraline. The story is told through a series of narrated storybook pages scored by...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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