Hogwarts Legacy

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Warner Bros. Portkey


School Library Journal

Reviewed on February 1, 2024  |  Games

Rated T—Hogwarts Legacy is a new story, but one that closely resembles Harry Potter's own: Swept from the Muggle world into a wizarding realm beyond belief, the main character learns magic, gets sorted into a house, makes new friends, chooses a wand, explores the sprawling grounds of Hogwarts, and more. What differs is that now the player is the star of the story—and might even be a "chosen one." Gameplay mirrors that of other exploration-based games, such as the Assassin's Creed series. With the aid of a map bejeweled with dozens of flashing icons, players find and complete various quests, solve riddles, help classmates, and progress through a story about dark magic forces simmering under the surface. The game offers myriad options to customize character stats and combat styles through the acquisition of experience points and detailed skill trees. Furthermore, the game features a plethora of accessibility options. For tho...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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